Welcome! My name is Kate Ross. I wear various career hats including speech-language pathologist, early childhood educator, program director, professor, advisor, and author. I am also a mother, wife, hiker, knitter, reader, and daily writer. Aspects of my professional life are reflected on this website and as resources for your work and interactions with young children and others. Please feel free to comment on my Blog as you wish. Enjoy.
Please view the Idea Sheets section where parents, speech-language pathologists and assistants, and early childhood professionals will find practical information to foster healthy interactions with children. Read through Early Vocabulary and Concepts for suggested useful initial words. I fully support the idea that there is much more to strengthen the development of early communications than reciting the alphabet, colors, or numbers. These are symbolic representations of abstract concepts. We want children to get along and socialize to develop a positive sense of self. Speaking Like Elmer Fudd will explain why so many children err on /r/ and /l/ sounds. There are dozens of other idea sheets to guide children to become competent communicators.

Please check out my textbook, Speech-Language Pathologists in Early Childhood Intervention, published by Plural Publishing (2018).
And read my chapter (8) in Case Studies for the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder, entitled Coaching in Early Childhood Intervention: A Toddler With ASD.