Many US communities as well as communities around the world, struggle to employ licensed speech-language pathologists to provide communication therapy to those in need. Seeing that writing on the wall, I offered telehealth opportunities, even providing services in the Middle East at one point. During the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth became a more realized and prevalent alternative to providing speech-language therapy safely and successfully. The American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) recognizes telehealth as a viable means for speech-language pathologists to provide services in a variety of locations, including rural areas. “Telepractice is closely aligned with ASHA’s vision: ”to make effective communication, a human right, accessible and achievable for all'” (The ASHA Leader, March 15, 2011, Vol. 16 No.3; p. 22.). Telehealth practices became a successful mode for me to provide consultation and coaching methods to parents of toddlers needing communication skills development.