In collaboration with Vermont’s State Agency of Education Higher Education Collaborative as well as with Vermont’s Early Childhood Educator’s Licensure Project, I have taught at the following universities:
- University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
- Union Institute and University, Montpelier, Vermont
- Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, Vermont
- Community College of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
Courses I have taught include:
Development of Spoken Language focuses on the nature of language development from infancy through early school years. We discuss children’s individual differences in acquiring language, including cultural and linguistic aspects of first and second language acquisition. The importance of family and relationships in children’s acquisition of language and the connections between oral language and early literacy development are examined. This course has also been labeled Early Communication and Literacy Development and Early Communication and Differences.
Child Development explores the development and growth of children through several key areas: Emotional and Social Growth; Physical Development and Health; Approaches to Learning; Communication and Literacy Development; Creative Development. We look at strategies for equitable education opportunities while understanding the importance of teaching to each individual child’s needs.